House in Colombo District 🏡
⛳ Kottawa , Palanwattha
🎯 23 perch
🎯 Price : 260 Lks
📱 Contact No : 0778669629
👉 All documents available
👉 04 bedrooms
👉 02.bathroom
👉 Pantry room
👉 Dining room
👉 Big garage
👉 fully terzzo house for sale in kottawa palanqatta 4 Bed rooms, 2 bath rooms Pantry, Living Area, etc
👉 to 255 bus road
👉 400 M to 296 bus road
👉 03km to kottawa
👉 02 km to morakatiya
👉 04 km to piliyandala
👉 Peaceful Area
👉 Government Schools & Hospitals,
👉 Banking facilities
👉 And all necessary services close around the location.
👉 Nearest Cities: kottawa / pannipitiya plliyandala