Colombo District
☑ Thalahena, Malabe
☑ 8 Perches
☑ 2.8 million perch
☑ Total Rs. 2,24,00000.00
☑ Highly Residential & Commercial area
☑ Face to 20 feet road
☑ Thalahena junction 100m
☑ Contact : 07×× ××× ×××
Colombo District
☑ Thalahena, Malabe
☑ 8 Perches
☑ 2.8 million perch
☑ Total Rs. 2,24,00000.00
☑ Highly Residential & Commercial area
☑ Face to 20 feet road
☑ Thalahena junction 100m
☑ Contact : 07×× ××× ×××